Monday, July 04, 2011

New blog

Check out Karins blog at
We will still do family updates here

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What do you get when you mix friends and Arugula?

Today, I went to my friend Hannah's to write. She is on a Starbux break so we decided to meet there instead. We ground up some Haitian coffee beans and brewed individual cups of Haitian coffee...oh man, so good. It totally hyped us up. She also made us a pretty sweet lunch. Arugula pesto pasta. Just had to share. Have you had any cool lunches recently?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's been a long time....

It's been a long time. The past few months have been busy with life, work and family. (yes I realize those are way out of balance) I'm not sure I even still have readers. But that's okay. This blog has morphed over the years from a place to document the building of our first house to a possible overseas adoption to leaving a ministry positon to attempting to plant a church to the death of Brian's mother-the miracle of conceiving Chase to his first year of life to the first time I was published to becoming a contributer writing for Ungrind to training for my first half marathon to the death of Brian's dad. (And lots of healthy eats and too many soccer games to count) Wow. It's been a wild ride these last four years.

Along the way, I posted several thoughts and feelings I had about the church, my faith, Christianity, life, etc. I've posted bible studies and simple encouragement. I think for now, I am in the place to use the blog as a catharsis-to ask the great blogsphere the complex questions of life.

A lot has happened since my last post. Brian and I traveled to Haiti and have since been very involved raising money and helping build a school and rebuild an orphanage. We've enjoyed having the community rally around us and this coming weekend we are putting on our town's first ever 5k to raise money for the rebuilding of Macrombe Academy in Haiti.

In the midst of all of these "good doings", I still cant help but feel a little lost. I look around and still feel disconnected from who I am or what my purpose is. There are so many distractions around me that I find it very difficult to be in tune with my calling or to hear God's voice. I'm not sure how to remedy this in our techologically driven world.

Recently, I asked Brian what our purpose was. He replied "maybe its just to focus on our kids; to really focus on Tayler these last two years that he is with us." For the first time in my life, I felt like I had permission to "just focus" on my children. You see it is so ingrained in me to be globally and locally minded that sometimes and often-I have overlooked my children for the greater good.

While I think this has its pros, it also has its cons. I think it is crippling to myself and my children to just focus on them and not teach them that its others first but at the same time, they need to feel like they are valued as much as the "others" in my life.

So as I ponder these things, I wonder - where is God in all of this? Lately, I havent felt like I've heard His voice or felt His presence. Its probably because I dont still myself to listen. I want to get to the place where I know my Savior....really know Him and experience intimacy with Him. There are different levels and I feel like I've definitely had this in the past...but I am feeling called to go deeper, to listen.

So thats what I plan to do. Unplug more often and listen. Quiet my mind and hear. Be a better mother. Let my kids know that I value them and appreciate their uniqueness. Love my husband and be his greatest supporter. And along the way, I might just share some of my brokeness with you.

I pray that as my words are launched out into cyberspace, someone will recognize themselves in me and be encourged-to not give up, to hold out hope, to conquer life and spread joy along the way

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

In light of the new year, let's recap last's years resolutions and then look ahead to 2011.

It's a New Year and a chance for a New YOU! 2010 Resolutions

1. Study God's word in depth; spend more time with Christ getting to know Him for who He really is. study and put into practice His principles and try to model my life after His

Feel good about this one, but always growing and learning. Joined BSF and studied the book of John. Also studying Isaiah now. Did Esther study this summer. But most importantly, seeking Him first and listening to HIs voice more consistently. Obedience and suffering were a major lesson in 2010 . I learned a lot through my running injury as well. Lots of refining this year

2. Strengthen my bonds of marriage and with my children

Definitely feel like this one was a success! I feel closer to my my husband and children and feel like we understand each other and take time to listen and appreciate one another. 2010 was a hard year in many respects, but the trials only brought us closer which is a major improvement from years past

3. Focus on writing as a career

I picked up more hours writing and am now a member of the Communications team. I am learning and growing so much. Writing a page a day on my manuscript is a fail but I am writing everyday. I also started a new manuscript and continue to meet with my critique partners

4. Stop watching so much reality TV; this one is critical to number 3 being accomplished.

Major sucess. We cut off our cable and I stayed in book club for the year.

5. Read more!

Definitely did. Read one book or more a month

6. Eliminate as many toxins as possible in my body

Definitely did. Started shopping weekly at Whole Foods and ate mostly organic all year

7. Run my first mini marathon!

Success! And completed a 10 mile race, a 4 mile race, a 20 mile race and a Triathlon! I was close to logging 1,000 miles for the year before I got injured in October. But, I learned there are more important things than mileage

8. Incorporate more diversity into my life

Still working on this one. But ventured downtown so much more. Went to the Art Museum some and Broad Ripple. Discovered many new areas and also traveled to Haiti.

9. Spend time doing things that help develop who I am and who God intended me to be (I have put most of my interests on the backburner for several years if not a decade; no one asked me to-I just did)

Did this through developing my love of cooking, running and writing

10. Travel more

Went to Knoxville quite a bit, Disney, Hilton Head, Minneapolis/St. Paul and Haiti.

Now for 2011!!

Wow, I feel like I accomplished most on my list. But, my list this year is really going to be quite simple and difficult at the same time

1) I just want to be more like Jesus. I want to serve like He did, love like He did, pray like He did and be willing to suffer like He did. You only have one shot in this life. I dont want to waste my time on this earth. I want to be willing to go where He leads me-no matter the cost

What are your resolutions?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Please pray for Haiti and Taper Madness

As you may know, I am going to Haiti in December. As you may also know, a Cholera outbreak is spreading fast and the Haitians are in danger of losing even more lives. Please pray for them. I am not sure if our trip will be cancelled or not due to the looming danger

Honestly, I feel ridiculous even talking about this after posting about Haiti. However, if you have been following my training, I wanted to give an update. Taper Madness has officially set in and I am forced to not run and nurse an injury. (on top of the other craziness Taper mind brings!) Not sure if I will still get to run the marathon. Please also pray for fast healing for my leg and for God's will to be done. (Obviously not near as important as your prayers for Haiti-so if you pick one, pick them)

Happy Fall Y'all

Chase just loves his Woody costume as he is obsessed with Woody! What are your kiddos going to be for Halloween?
Tayler's soccer season came to a close and they only lost one game! The Varsity Boys and Girls were Conference Champs! At the Awards Banquet, Tayler won the best hair fitting:)

Adventures in Potty Training

We've known for a while now that Chase is ready but I dont know if we are...but potty training has officially started! (Chase peed on the potty a few weeks ago!!)

He was quite excited about Woody and Yo Gabba Gabba underwear!

The Wedding

WE had a blast at Katey's wedding. It was beautiful and so nice to see family for a joyous many have been sad lately. The wedding was a Jewish/Christian wedding so we absolutely loved all of the traditions...Here are just a few pics of our overnight visit to Knoxville.

the cousins...

                                                                       The happy couple!

22 miler!

This was a 5 miler + 22 miler because I forgot to download my watch...but hoping this is a good sign for my time for race day

                                                                      this was the real time
                                                                got my game face on!
                                                         read em and weep!! 22 baby!
that's right...we are awesome!

Cant believe I am just now posting this! The run was unbelievable! WE rocked it out. Jenny at a 9:59 pace and me at 10:05. The run was very enjoyable and we pushed ourselves as hard as we could. We even climbed a monstrous hill at mile 17. Insanity. Afterwards, I had to drive 6 hrs to Knoxville for a wedding and even danced in heels that night! I was on cloud nine! What a day!