Friday, November 02, 2007

God is so faithful to provide.......

As you know, we are in the midst of many of which.... and possibly the least important when all is said and done, is financial, but God has continued to provide for us. This is so encouraging to our faith and we sincerely need encouragement right now. This has been a very difficult few months, but God has continued to show us His kindness and love. We received a beautiful card today from a dear friend with a monetary gift. This was soooooooo not expected and we are so grateful! We just wanted to give a shout out declaring His love for us and all of you.....even when we are faithless and oh so undeserving! This is what the Cross is all about, but sometimes as "seasoned" Christians, we forget this on a daily basis. We can't only praise Him in good times, but difficult times as well, so please don't think I write this b/c something came our way; rather, this is action in the faith we so desperately hold to. Keep believing, He is so real, even when all around you wants to scream differently!!

We all need these reminders of His sufficiency and they are so refreshing when they come. Thank you Lord for reminders that draw us closer to you in intimacy. Forgive us when we forget....

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