Saturday, October 25, 2008

Six weeks old

Chase is now six weeks old..hard to believe. As far as new developments go, he is smiling more along with cooing more. I am trying to have him awake more often and we try playing with several different things to keep his interest. He was in his pack in play for the first time this week. He likes looking up at the animals. The pack in play vibrates and plays that helps. He is still loving the bath and if upset, can take one to calm him down. If anyone has suggestions of what to do to keep his interest when awake, let me know. We already do the black and white activity gym, the chair with the lights and shapes, and as previously mentioned the pack in play. Of course, I also talk to him, sing, take long walks at the park, etc. He is still on the same sleep schedule and does 4-6 hour stretches. His usual morning wake time is between 5:30-6:30. We start our day then with feeding, changing, awake time-then a nap about an hour or so later. He usually naps for about an hour and a half then we repeat. We are really enjoying him and can't wait to see him begin to develop his little personality even more. Right now, he LOVES jazz music and I try to keep it on for most of the is very calming to him. With this love and his long "piano fingers" we just might have a musician on our hands:)

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