Friday, October 03, 2008

Three weeks old already?

Chase is three weeks old already! I can't believe it. He has gained 4 ounces and is 6pounds 4 ounces now. He is still sleeping most of the time and wakes up between 4-5 hours at at this point, he is only up once. The only time he cries, is when he has a gas pain..poor little guy! When people meet him in person, they say he "looks like a baby doll" b/c he is so small and/or that he looks like a "little, old man" (I think this is due to the white hair and sometimes serious look on his face)Here are a few pics of this past week.


Anonymous said...

That 1st one w/ his eyes open is so cute.
I see you hung that pic up. Looks good there.

Anonymous said...

Oh Karin, he just gets cuter and cuter! Mine went through a gassy-pain stage for about 4 weeks between weeks 3-7 I think. The mylecon drops helped if I gave them some before the feeding.