Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A New Direction and An Explanation

Restoration Church will be interdenominational and not a Wesleyan church. Karin and I started this process with the intent of being church planters within the Wesleyan denomination. However, we became more and more uncomfortable with this direction. There are many things that we like about the denomination but there are many things we like about several denominations. We felt that as we communicate to people who we are that it would be important for us to be as inclusive as possible while remaining orthodox in our beliefs.

While in the short-term it would have been far more beneficial (from a human standpoint) to remain in the Wesleyan denomination I believe that in the long-run this is the best direction for us. It will require more work, more people, more money and ultimately more faith. Karin and I believe that if God does not show up in this thing then I will be looking for a new job by the end of the year. But, we do believe God is in this and "where God guides, God provides".

I talked with one of the leaders in the Wesleyan church and explained what was going on with us. I explained that I did not want to commit to the Wesleyan process and then a couple of years down the road become interdenominational. I did not feel that was showing much integrity- even though I know many people take advantage of denominations that way.

I will be honest and say that this whole endeavor is exhilirating, scary and humbling. We continue to see God's hand leading us and people joining us weekly. It is our desire that people will consider Restoration as one of their church families.

We are in the process of putting together a launch team. The requirements will be:
1. An active faith life in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
2. A heart to minister in the Church and community
3. A commitment to participating in the monthly preview services beginning in August
4. Participation in Launch Team Meetings beginning in July to pray and help plan the worship gatherings
5. A commitment to Restoration church for six to twelve months after the weekly services begin in January

If you would be interested in being a part of the launch team then you can contact either myself or Karin (who will be one of the launch team leaders).

Our launch date is set for January 13th, 2008 with five monthly preview services beginning in August. We will have our website up and fully functioning in the next week or so. There will be launch team meetings beginning in July and finish in January. Once we launch our weekly gatherings the launch team will disban and can go on to serve in other areas of the church.

We are looking to associate with other churches perhaps through Willowcreek Association or some other network. We believe this will be important for accountability, training, encouragement and friendships.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.

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