Wednesday, January 07, 2009

16 weeks

Love those lips..

"A baby in swaddling clothes"

Those ears are too funny

Teething to bring in the New Year

"I am so cute"

Proud Papa!

Chase is 16 weeks old (as of last Friday!) We were out of town so there are limited pics. He rolled over (as previously stated) That was the big excitement for the week. He continues to clasp his hands like he is praying (lord, help my parents:) He is ah gooing like crazy! We think we have a talker! In church, he sits so quietly, clasping his hands in prayer mode, and ah gooing for others..he is a big hit! He loves to watch our pastor on the big screen and watch the lights during music.
He is very laid back and will sit in our laps for hours...this trait is definitely from his daddy! He absolutely loves for me to sing to him...this will quiet him down when he is upset. The other night, he began to sing with was the cutest thing ever. Each time I sang a verse, he ah gooed it back to me....adorable! Maybe we have a musician on our his aunt. He also continues to put his hand in a fist under his chin when he eats..he has done this since birth. We always wondered what this was about, until we noticed, Brian sleeps like this...genetics are so interesting.
In a few days, he could begin cereal, but from the advice of others, we will probably wait until six months. We do believe he is teething and he continues to drool....He also smiles and laughs like crazy, recognizes our individual voices, tracks us with his eyes, etc. He is just the cutest thing ever and we are so thankful for him!

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